PhD programs can significantly vary between the Universities across the World, but they all aim at preparing a PhD student to demonstrate subject-matter expertise and mastery by examination, and to make a new scholarly contribution to a particular area of knowledge through their own original research. A PhD degree is not the final goal, but it is actually a step towards one’s independency in research and innovation.
To complete the PhD studies, a PhD candidate must submit a dissertation consisting of a body of original academic research, which was published in peer-reviewed journals. This work is defended publicly and before a panel of expert examiners appointed by the University. PhD is currently the highest academic degree awarded by Universities in most English-speaking countries.
To start a PhD program at the University of Ljubljana, the applicant has to fulfill certain criteria, including a completed DVM degree (similar to the application protocol required for a residency. There are several PhD programs available, but interdisciplinary program in Biomedicine is one of those covering the area of veterinary medicine.