Learn and Travel with Vets on The Balkans

Thanks to the great support of the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubljana, who recognizes the need to educate students but also vets in veterinary dentistry, I participate in the project “Learn and Travel with Vets on The Balkans”.

The project, that is nowadays involving several partners from the region, was created a year ago by Dr. Luba Gancheva, a 2017 recipient of the “WSAVA Next Generation Award”. The main goal of the project is to assist and support the veterinarians from the Balkans in their desire to upgrade their knowledge and experience in veterinary medicine, and to advance the level of veterinary practice in general.

As Luba, I strongly believe in power of cooperation and education, and I am happy to be part of the project and work one week with someone of you at the Dentistry department of our Teaching Hospital.

To find out more about this opportunity and application please, visit the Vets on the Balkans website.